The community consists of residents, owners, private consultants, work exchange applicants, former and current guests. This is not a hotel or resort so please may attention to the literature, the experience is best described as glamping and if correctly prepared, it can be an incredible one!
Each home is privately owned and you are renting directly from the owner. The Fusion Home website is used for information purposes only and is not responsible for your stay in anyway. We highly encourage you to sign up to the forum where you can speak directly to the community.
Once a booking is confirmed, you will need to notify the community of your arrival so a plan can be made to meet you in the car park. Please be sure to post your arrival details at least 3 days prior to arriving at Finca Bellavista. You can post your details in the 'meet and greet' section. For more information on planning your arrival time, please see here.
Selecting your dates:
Available dates are in highlighted in green. You can select 1 - 28 nights for up to 4 people max. Please note that the weekly and monthly special rates only apply to 2 people max.
You can either pre select your dates in the white boxes or select them directly on the calendar below.

The price will automatically update based on the number of days and guests. The example below is for 8 nights in Tamandua for 2 people. The nightly rate for Tamandua is $110.00 but the weekly rate has been activated given that that the number of nights entered was 8 with a max total of 2 guests.

Once you are happy with your date selection, please hit 'request'. You will now proceed to the next page where you can enter some basic details:

Please be sure to fill in your correct information as you will not receive the additional info to your inbox otherwise. You must acknowledge the terms and conditions, check in times and that a 4x4 vehicle is required to reach the community before you can proceed.

Please be sure to review the total and if you are happy to proceed, hit 'request'. A $60.00 cleaning charge and 13% Costa Rican tax is added to your reservation. Your dates are now secure for 24hrs.
The system will allow you to proceed and continue to make payment or you can do so at a later time as long as it is done with in the 24hr time window. Additional info and a link to make payment will be sent to the email address you entered. If payment is not received within the 24hr window then your dates will be released and no further action is required.
All homes allow for a full refund up until 5 days prior to check in. Payment is processed through the homeowners personal PayPal account. PayPal only reverses processing fees for upto 6 months from the time of making payment. If
Rates and available homes:
Short-term rental prices (1 - 6 nights / up to 4 people)
Colibri - $50.00 per night
Weekly rate (7 night intervals / 2 people)
Colibri - $200.00 per week
Fila Tortuga - $300.00 per week
El Fenix - $400.00 per week
Tamandua - $500.00 per week
Leon - $300.00 per week
Monthly rate (28 nights max / 2 people)
Colibri - $750.00 per month
Fila Tortuga - $900.00 per month
El Fenix - $1000.00 per month
Tamandua - $1200.00 per month
Leon - $900.00 per month
Perezosa - $900.00 per month
Please note that the Fusion Home is available to rent at a daily rate only ($150.00 per night / 4 people) as we live full time in our home. We will be onsite to assist you with your arrival and duration of your stay.
Once a booking is confirmed, please be sure to sign up to the Fusion Forum and upload your arrival date and estimated time for a community member to see. Please do this at least 3 days prior to arrival to ensure a community member is available to meet you. For more information on arriving to the community, please review more information here.
If you have any questions, please ask them directly to the community.
Thank you
Are small dogs allowed in the rental homes including The Fusion Home?