Creature Feature #11 All Puffed Up!
This bird will certainly see you, but chances are you won't see it. White-whiskered Puffbirds have an interesting hunting strategy. They...
Creature Feature #11 All Puffed Up!
Creature Feature #10 The Brilliant Basilisk
Creature Feature #9 Marvelous, Much-maligned, Moths!
Creature Feature #8 The amazing glowing scorpion!
Creature Feature #7 Prickly Pal on the Patio
Creature Feature #6 Bats in the Bat-hroom!
Creature Feature #5 When is a Fly not a Fly...??
Creature Feature #4 Monkey Business
Creature Feature # 3 The Kinkajou!
Creature Feature # 2 Euphonia Euphoria
Creature Feature # 1 Is it a Blue Jeans Frog? No, but it’s a close relative.
Volunteer makes a video to share his experience at Finca Bellavista