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Phase 1

4th of February 2016

It's official, papers are signed! We commence construction Monday (8th February 2016). The Fusion Home is born, let the timeline begin!

Exciting day at the Finca as we hammer out the last of the details with the contract. Special thanks to Manfred Chavez Gomez and Mateo Hogan for handling the construction side of the project. Also a big thank you to Gabriela Elizondo for assisting with the legal aspect of the project. Lastly, an extra special thank you to Mateo Hogan and Erica Andrews for providing us with the opportunity to make our dreams come true, without you guys none of this would be possible but more importantly, Finca Bellavista wouldn't exist! Pura vida!

7th of February 2016

Last sunset before construction starts. Life is good.

8th of February 2016


First batch of materials arrive onsite / Layout of foundations complete!

First truck
Crossing the river
Made it across the river
Construction meeting
Corner foundation
View from first floor
Foreman Mowgli

Very happy with progress so far, everything is going to plan. Pura Vida!

10th of February 2016


The guys are working fast and in great detail. 6 foundations completed today and nearly all the rebar framing ready. We will be ready to pour concrete in 2 days!

Rebar for the Footers


17th of February 2016


All foundations dug, base concrete poured. The guys used a grid about the size of the hole made out of rebar for each foundation hole, they then covered that in concrete and fastened the rebar columns in the centre. Next week they will interconnect each foundation via the trenches you can see dug using steel and then use the wooden casing to fit over the rebar columns and fill with concrete - The Fusion Home has firmly sunk its roots!

East Footers
Bracing for the concrete
Mowgli getting involved
Rebar for the footers
View from first floor
Work station
Mowgli approves
After a hard days work
Rebar is in!
Rebar sitting tight


22nd of February 2016

Concrete is sexy! Its been a productive week and we are looking forward to seeing the steel erected. We should be ready for it mid next week as we add extra crew come Monday. We still have 4 columns to complete and we still need to interconnect each foundation but we're really close and should be a quick finish. It's great being able to see every detail and we're really confident that nothing is going to move this house!  


Square grid
Securing the rebar
Covering the rebar
Filling the footers
Rebar ready for trenches
Ready to interconnect
Taking shape
Removing the casing
Great job!
Mowgli hard at work!


11th of March 2016


Higher and higher we go! Things are really starting to pick up now as we go vertical. We are working with a great bunch of guys who are helping make our dreams come true. Every inch higher we get, the view gets more and more spectacular. Pura Vida! 

Steel plate!
This guys a machine
Taking it in
Amy cracking the whip
First house selfie
First floor
Hi dad
Thanks guys


18th of March 2016


Back, guest, and first level porch ready for the Plydeck! First floor nearly complete. Couple more supports and 2 x 2 steel posts to fill the gaps and we can commence with the 2nd level. Cannot wait to see the view from up there! Pura vida

Back Porch (entrance)
Guest Balcony
House of steel
First level porch
First level


31st of March 2016

Happy Easter Everyone! Despite the national holidays and rains coming in, The Fusion Home construction is in full swing! We are really starting to take shape and we couldn't be happier. These last 2 weeks saw the Sky-lounge go up, the 2nd level soar into the treetops, the steel prepped for the roof, and the completion of all foundations being interconnected. The Plycem siding, Plyrock, roofing materials, and gorgeous porcelian wood tiles from Italy are all on-site and ready to be installed! Its going to be a very exciting next 2 weeks. Pura Vida everyone!

Safety First
Finishing the concrete
Prepping the steel
Standing in the Master bedroom
Amy on the First level balcony
Mowgli and Matt taking a break
Standing in Sky-Lounge
Sky-lounge Sunset
Nearly on the 2nd floor
The Rancho - with added zoom!


30th April 2016

It was an emotional rollercoaster the last month, we had to say goodbye to our boy 'Mowgli'. He was our rock and made us a family, we miss him so much. Many people don't know this but according to Rudyard Kipling, author of "The Jungle Book", the name Mowgli translates to 'Little Frog' which is what we named the corporation to build the house, we dedicate the home to him where he now rests - Love you boy


11th of May 2016

The house is really starting to take shape now, and is bigger than we imagined it would be. The views are incredible. The roof is in and the base for the floors are installed. It has probably been the most emotional month of our lives, thank you everyone for your continued support. Much love to everyone......Pura vida

Main balcony
Roof overhang
More overhang
Floor going in
Last minute changes
Steel beast
Happy Birthday Amy
The roof is in!
Extra support
View from the upstairs bathroom
back overhang
Above the kitchen
View from front
Main balcony...
and again...
After hours with Mowgli
Coming back from the plot
RIP little prince x

We finished Phase 1. Thank you Little Frog. Click here for Phase 2

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